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  • Potain supports France’s first tower crane erector diploma program

    •参与者在完成为期十周的课程后将获得国家认可的文凭, enhancing the professional development of tower crane erectors.

  • 在伊斯坦布尔机场发生事故后,Grove GMK6300L-1前来救援

    • The crane successfully lifted the 15.4 t nose of the airplane, ensuring the rescue operation was a success.

  • New Potain MCR 625 is a high-speed, 高性能变幅悬臂起重机,适用于全球增长最快的市场

    •来自Potain的最新变幅悬臂起重机建立在欧洲和北美市场流行且经过验证的MR 618的设计基础上.
    • It is designed for the growth markets of Asia, the Middle East, 和拉丁美洲,包括可移动的平衡物,以更好地优化空间和紧凑的设计.
    • The MCR 625 works with one or two-fall reeving, enabling faster hoist speeds to maximize productivity.

  • 两台来自帕伦坡重型起重机的格罗夫起重机在那不勒斯进行了壮观的串联吊装

    •Palumbo Heavy Lift派出了新的Grove GMK5250XL-1和GMK7450来拆除那不勒斯一艘Perini Navi超级游艇的桅杆, Italy.
    • The company particularly appreciated the GMK5250XL-1’s long 78.5米主吊杆,帮助团队在一天内完成了复杂的吊装工作.

  • 更多的到达,力量和灵活性与新的格罗夫粗糙地形起重机

    •格罗夫GRT765和GRT780在马尼托瓦克起重机日活动中向客户展示. Deliveries are set for later this year. 



联金企业选择Potain MDT 809起重机在华盛顿地区的重大项目

•一架带有定制的279英尺(85米)悬臂的MDT 809可以到达马里兰州一个艺术博物馆翻新项目的大部分周边.
•第二台设备正在为乔治城大学(Georgetown University)一栋办公楼的大修提供所需的起重力.
• The MDT 809 is Potain’s largest topless tower crane for the U.S. market.

Grúas del Vallés receives new Grove GMK3060L-1 cranes

•西班牙起重机租赁公司在其第一台GMK3060L-1的巨大经验之后增加了两台新的GMK3060L-1全地形起重机, purchased in 2022. 
•Grúas del vall将在多种应用中使用多功能起重机.

随着船队规模的持续增长,意大利Baldini集团增加了Grove GMK5250XL-1

•Grove GMK5250XL-1是该公司租赁车队的最新型号, which includes 14 Grove models. 
• Baldini Group’s owners love the strength and power of the crane, while the operators praise its easy set-up and intuitive design. 

Potain supports France’s first tower crane erector diploma program

•参与者在完成为期十周的课程后将获得国家认可的文凭, enhancing the professional development of tower crane erectors.

Gustav Seeland sends new Grove GMK5250XL-1 to work in Hamburg

•这家德国重型货物专家在今年早些时候获得了第二台GMK5250XL-1全地形起重机, to grow its fleet and handle larger and more demanding jobs. 

Potain MCT 185 selected to boost luxury development in Istanbul

•当地建筑公司Görgülü İnşaat购买了该起重机以支持Tersane Istanbul项目.
•该项目正在金角湾(Golden Horn Bay)的一个前造船厂上进行开发.
• A Manitowoc team from Zhangjiagang, China provided comprehensive on-site training to the customer’s team.

Nuova ICOM为意大利主要海港的工业厂房建设部署了新的Grove GRT8120


Polish crane rental company Karmax adds Grove GMK4100L-2


班尼特起重机为英国伦敦百老汇40号项目部署了世界上第一台Potain MR 309

•班尼特起重机为伦敦百老汇40号办公楼的重建部署了世界上第一台Potain MR 309变幅悬臂起重机, UK, meeting specific urban site requirements.
• The MR 309 was selected for its ability to operate in tight spaces, lift heavy loads, and function with limited power, thanks to its adjustable power supply.
• Potain and Bennetts Cranes have a longstanding relationship, and this project continues their collaboration, with the MR 309 expected to be on site for approximately 12 months.

Manitowoc和Core Machinery扩大在西南地区的重建和维修服务

•Core Machinery位于图森的液压残余工厂现在是亚利桑那州的授权合作伙伴. 
•该设施将有助于确保Manitowoc客户尽快获得工厂质量的服务维修, reducing machine downtime.

French lifting giant FOSELEV adds seven new Grove cranes

• In its latest delivery from Manitowoc, FOSELEV received a range of three, four, and five-axle Grove cranes.


•意大利建筑公司ITINERA呼吁马尼托瓦克公司支持热那亚附近格拉瓦尼亚高架桥的改造,使用世界上第一个MDLT 1109模型, the largest top-slewing cranes ever produced from Potain in Europe.
•MDLT 1109取代了广受欢迎的MD 1100,并结合了高性能提升(11.1 t at 80 m) with compact transport and simplified assembly.

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